how to prevent bone loss and pain

How to Prevent Bone Loss and Osteoporosis

Prevent Bone Loss and Osteoporosis

Bone loss and osteoporosis are not only a risk for older adults. In fact, a person can lose bone mass as early as 20-30 due to the aging process. According to WebMD, bone density usually reach its peak around age 30. After this time, bone mass will start to decrease.

Bone Disease Factors

Age, gender, family history, nutrient deficiencies and bone structure and body weight are factors that may increase your risk of bone disease such as osteoporosis.

how to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis

After age 30, bone resorption begins to exceed new bone formation. This means that more bone is absorbed in the body versus how much new bone is made. According to EMedicineHealth, bone loss occurs fastest in women during the first few years that follow menopause.

The National Osteoporosis Foundation notes that being female puts you at better risk of developing bone problems such as osteoporosis and broken bones. In the US, 80% of people with osteoporosis are women. Approximately 1 in 2 women over age 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis.

Having a parent or sibling with osteoporosis or a hip fracture,may put you at greater risk for the same bone disease.

If your diet lacks natural sources of calcium, vitamin D or C, then you put yourself at higher risk for bone disease. Calcium is the building block of bones and cannot be produced by the body. Check out sources of Calcium-rich food here.

A low body mass index (BMI) has been identified as an important risk factor in predicting greater bone loss as person ages. Persons who have a thin frame might have lower bone mass than average and need to pay attention to building and maintaining healthy bones.

Tips to maintain healthy bones

Here a three tips to maintain healthy bones and prevent bone loss and osteoporosis:

1. Healthy Diet – dieting shouldn’t just be about losing weight but getting the proper nutrition that your body needs. This includes eating a variety of food that contain minerals such as Calcium. Green leafy vegetables are rich in Calcium that are essential to your bone health.

Fad diets can make you lose weight but also make you lose bone density. Focus on nutrition and consult your doctor before embarking on any type of diet. Here are more tips about getting enough Calcium in your diet.

2. Exercise – Did you know that exercise also helps to strengthen bones?Weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises such as weight training, walking, jogging, and even climbing stairs are recommended for bone health and preventing osteoporosis.

3. Calcium Supplements – Meeting the daily recommended amount of calcium can be a challenge for many, especially with the demands of modern lifestyle. Depending on the condition of your bone health and risk factors, your doctor may recommend that you take a calcium supplement.

Calcium supplements with Boron can help the ability of one’s body to absorb Calcium more effectively. Aside from Calcium, Boron also plays a significant role in minimizing risks of osteoporosis. This is because Boron assist to metabolize minerals that are associated with bone development such as Calcium, Magnesium and Copper.

Ask your doctor about Calcium supplements with Boron and if it’s the right calcium supplement for your bone and overall health.

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